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Old 04-12-2016, 10:31 AM
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ksabet ksabet is offline
K!ya S@bet
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Carrboro, NC
Posts: 478

Its just a matter of time before the old guard dies off and these silly practices of "cash only" die with them.

I am not railing against anything but the dealers that ONLY except cash. Its silly and these are usually the grumpy guys sitting there complaining to their buds about how they get no business while ignoring the customers right in front of them. Its these dealers that usually break out the Beckett price guide when negotiating, and have stickers from 1973 on their cards as well.

Uhhhh I know this card is only a $30 card but if I put a sticker on it saying

Book price = $500
Our price = $125

then everyone will fall for it.

Its any dealers prerogative to not accept anything but cash and I hope most people just avoid their tables to get to actual dealers who embrace technology and use it to further their business. Paypal, checks, CASH app, etc. there are a bunch of protected ways to accept other forms of payment. And YES a good dealer DOES make it more convenient for you to purchase
I can't believe that an unnamed above would use an argument that somehow making it convenient for a buyer is ridiculous.

BTW even the saying "cash is king" is so silly and outdated please stop using it...or don't and have everyone else continue to blindly mock you.

Last edited by ksabet; 04-12-2016 at 10:37 AM.
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