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Old 05-23-2016, 04:50 PM
polakoff polakoff is offline
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 479

Originally Posted by Cozumeleno View Post
The answer to your question is probably what do you anticipate more of - set collectors or people browsing? I can't answer that but usually if I would bargain hunt in $1-$5 boxes, I'd purely be looking for good value.

I haven't done that in years but I think you run a better chance of finding people doing what I used to do rather than finding set collectors and actually having what they need.
Thanks - I think this is the issue I'm having. To be quite honest I am sharing a booth three ways and will not have a ton of bulk as I'm sure other dealers have so I'm not sure that I'll get many people browsing to fill set needs when they could probably go to someone else who could fill ALL of their set needs. But again, this is all guessing on my part since I've never been to a National!
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