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Old 07-12-2016, 12:20 PM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,332

Originally Posted by Bestdj777 View Post
Brian, you can pull the PDF, so you should be able to either send it as an attachment to an email (depending on size) or put it on an FTP site (drop box?) where someone can retrieve a copy. It beats driving to the post office.

I love my copy--I printed mine off and now have it in hard copy--and it's a fantastic book.

Oh, and gorgeous Stahl Meyer!
Chris, glad to finally hear from you, even if indirectly. You made my day---I really needed to hear at least a few of your feelings on NEVER CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN.

My post office is less than a mile away, but I appreciate the advice. Perhaps one day, but I would like to sell the remaining copies of the 1,000 I had printed in the first place.

Give me a buzz some time Chris. Let's talk! ---Brian
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