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Old 07-28-2016, 09:23 PM
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brianp-beme brianp-beme is offline
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Default Should an ebay ID encompass all?

I have the opposite dilemma. My ebay user ID is: used-cards. Sometime in the future I plan to start selling vintage cards on ebay. Most of what I will have available will be in lower condition, but maybe less than 1% will be Ex-Mt or better shape.

The question I put a disclaimer within the listing that this nicer condition card is not my typical swill at the bottom of the glass, or do I set up a separate ebay ID of: pre-owned-cards to indicate the elevated status of the particular card, thus making it more likely for a potential customer to drive off the lot feeling pretty good about themselves and life in general?

Not really a dilemma...just something that has come to my very small mind in the past, and the original post brought it to the forefront.

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