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Old 08-23-2016, 11:05 AM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
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Originally Posted by packs View Post
I'm looking at it differently. The thing about sprinting is you aren't supposed to be good for very long. But Bolt isn't even challenged 12 years later. That's what I think is so impressive about the feat.
Precisely. "TO DI WORLD"

I love Jesse Owens and respect him to the hilt. Were it not for the war, who knows? Then again, Avery Brundage was a real self-absorbed jerk. He would have found some way to disqualify Jesse for being a professional. After all, Jesse embarrassed Brundage's darling, Adolph Hitler, and his Aryan race "superstars".

Poor Mr. Owens tried in vain to secure a good job when all the wealthy guys wined and dined him for a few days after the '36 Olympics. They made promises or offers to him; sadly, they were just courting his favor and blowing smoke in his face. Finally, desperate, he chose the only offer he had---to race some idiot's horse.

Thank you for posting the disturbing photo of the former Bruce Jenner. Did any of you notice the news blurb that the station airing his (not sorry, but HER) cable show, "CALL ME CAIT", canceled it after a two-year run---while the Rio Olympics were taking place! How ironic.

---Brian Powell

Last edited by brian1961; 08-23-2016 at 11:06 AM.
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