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Old 09-12-2016, 01:49 AM
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FourStrikes FourStrikes is offline
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Originally Posted by TheNightmanCometh View Post
This is for all the VZ collectors out there. There's a guy on ebay selling two different '59s of Don McMahon. One he says is "carton clear" and the other "carton dark". I'm not sure what the difference is. Here's the links if anyone can shed light on this...


looked at the examples shown in the links, and my first thought was "Google translator-esque", kinda like when jokes/phrases don't always translate (read: are not as funny/clear) when or if they're translated from one language to another, and that prompted me to do an English/Spanish internet search (Google IS my BFF - sometimes - and yes, I probably DO need to get a life), but I happened to have a few moments to kill, so the timing was good...

anyway, here's what I came up with:

"carton", Spanish English Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 7.7
(n.) = cardboard ; pasteboard ; paperboard.

cool stuff either way, and something I more than likely would've never noticed (or even looked for) when going thru a stack of 59's until now, although I'm certain I will in the future - I learn something new every day, and that's never a bad thing


Last edited by FourStrikes; 09-12-2016 at 01:50 AM.
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