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Old 09-21-2016, 06:54 PM
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AustinMike AustinMike is offline
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Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy View Post
I was willing to let this go, but since someone else bumped the thread, I'm going to clear something up.

You call me ignorant and a liar? Look here, you stupid jackass. Kaepernick was fined $11,000 by the NFL for using a racial slur. It went to arbitration. The arbitrator, Ted Cottrell, reduced the original fine to $5512 stating it was a "clear violation of the rule". So, jackass, if he wasn't fined for using a racial slur, what was he fined for then???? Answer that!
No, I said you were either being willfully ignorant by not reading the article I linked to or lying, not both. Do you know what the difference is between "or" and "and?"

Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy View Post
Actually, no, I didn't read the article. I'm not going to read some bias trash.
And now you admit you were being willfully ignorant. Thanks for clearing that up.

In regards to "Answer that!" - why? Firstly, it was answered in the link. Secondly, you've already proven that you want to keep your head buried in the sand and remain ignorant to any facts that do not comport to your preconceived notions since these facts are "some bias trash," so why waste my time providing you more answers?
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