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Old 11-11-2016, 06:52 PM
MikeGarcia MikeGarcia is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,817
Default $32???

Originally Posted by irv View Post
As you should be!!


Unfortunately, for me, it is highly unlikely I'll ever finish my set due to the amount of cards I need and the associated cost.

Also, I have likely purchased my last card for a while due to the CDN dollar being in the tank!
I won just one card the other night, a $8.49 win but getting that card here to my door is going to cost me $32.00 dollars and change!

I will still continue to look for deals, but having recently picked up some 52's that I have wanted for a while now, I think it's time to take a break for a bit, unfortunately.

...why so much for a ten-dollar card ?....Is it because of E-Bay and Paypal ? Can we help you here on the BST section of 54 at more reasonable costs. many of us '52 fans would be glad to help a fellow your wantlist of '52's visible anywhere ?

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