Thread: Anyone Garden?
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Old 11-21-2016, 07:02 PM
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Drew Ekb@ck
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: NE Georgia
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Originally Posted by bnorth View Post
Nice picture, the ripe one in front is making my mouth water.

The splitting can be reduced by picking in the morning before watering. For some reason they also rarely split when grown hydroponically. In dirt I would lose approx. 25% to splitting soon after picking.

I had an unbelievably horrible year with my greenhouse. It started out really wet and cloudy so I had a lot of mold and bacterial problems. Then the temperature was either hot or cold with no consistency. I had catastrophic crop failure near the end of July and lost everything.
That's too bad. I was wondering how it went for you. We started a blueberry garden and it went well. Not much production this year but we weren't expecting much either. Just letting the bushes take good root and hopefully next summer and Koch more the next we will have huge amounts to pick.

We did have one small veggie garden box. Cucumbers were a flop as was the zucchini. Lots and lots of nice but small Roma tomatoes. My wife loves to use them in canning salsa and sauce. In fact she used some in homemade chili yesterday.

Anyway, one of the more unusual but funny things that happened after our growing season was over. I went down to the garden to clean it up some and get ready for winter and noticed a huge tomato plant growing in our compost box. It was filled with ripe cherry tomatoes. Must have planted and taken root from a tomato I threw in while pruning down during the summer.

Anyway, glad to hear of some of the successes and sorry about the tough year for you Ben. Pretty dry and hot here in Georgia so watering was tough considering how we had to do it. Nothing but an old fashioned hand pump. It took 125 pumps to get approximately 5 gallons of water.

Seriously. Labor of love I guess.

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