Thread: Mlb hof tracker
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Old 12-30-2016, 04:02 PM
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Ben North
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Originally Posted by bravos4evr View Post
A- the HOF is a private entity not affiliated with MLB and thus they can do their voting any way they see fit (and fans are generally idiots so no they shouldn't have a vote)

B- why are player's somehow magically capable of judging past player's ability? just because someone is good at something doesn't make them a good judge of it. Quentin Tarantino is a great director, but his list of the greatest movie of all time is pretty lackluster

C- the problem of when guys get in is pretty lame (some voters refuse to vote for a guy on the first ballot unless they think he deserves "first ballot" recognition) but, the solution is to give voters a "yes/no" ballot rather than a "vote for up to 10" ballot. If they had to give a yes or no to every player I think you'd see a lot better result.

D- they did get rid of a lot of older voters who no longer covered baseball recently so hopefully the voting will improve, but remember, the HOF was created by a hotel magnate in Cooperstown to generate tourism for his hotels not by MLB to celebrate the game. so take it all with a grain of salt.
As to (B) Just because someone plays a sport does not mean they follow it. I boxed amateur for 4 years and won 3 state titles. Besides Ali I couldn't name more than a couple champions from any era.
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