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Old 07-29-2017, 12:54 PM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
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Originally Posted by AustinMike View Post
Had to go back and look at some earlier posts. Nice Mantles all around.

Brian, that is a very neat display idea. I might have to copy it.
Michael, many thanks for your kind words. The SAFCO unit was from 1989, though I imagine they're still in business today. The five-drawer unit is very sturdy, made from heavy guage metal.

The dimensions of the case overall is approx. 40 X 29". However, the actual usable display area is 37 X 18". The drawers will only pull out so far, so a lot of space is wasted; however, it was designed perfectly to house blueprints. As it was, there were flaps at the front of each drawer (installed to prevent the b/ps from curling) that I had to drill out to free up valuable display space for the cards.

The pads I made really give the right effect of a personal museum display.

In the end, what space remains is ample enough to offer some of my best a right proper spotlight viewing area, with full protection from all light, and preventing me from seeing them every time I walk in the room. Really, it's like five All-State glass display cases in one.

Congrats, Mike, on your array of Mickey's Country Kitchen and Country Cookin' items. As Mick said, "To get a better piece of chicken, you'd have to be a rooster." I just wish it had been the "cash cow" Mickey had envisioned, or was convinced by someone else it would surely be. At least he finally found his gold mine, when he and Greer Johnson became a business, marketing the one thing thousands and thousands of collectors would gladly pay well for---his autograph.

I recall in the last year of Mick's life, he was getting $75 a signature. Compared to now, .......

Have you been eyeing the Huggins and Scott auction of Bill Willen's massive Mickey Mantle collection? Mr. Willen also wrote a book, that just came out early this year, and from the looks of it, photograph-wise, it is perfect for the Mantle collector who'd enjoy a quality color photo of every Mantle card, coin, premium, and pack photo. For that alone, it is worth the $25 price tag from Amazon. I will need to buy a copy. It is also a paper book, so it's right up your alley. Mine's still available, but I'll shut up about that.

Take care, my fellow Mickey Mantle collector warrior. ---Brian Powell

Last edited by brian1961; 08-02-2017 at 11:43 AM.
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