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Old 08-29-2017, 05:50 AM
jefferyepayne jefferyepayne is offline
Jeff P
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Virginia
Posts: 2,045

Originally Posted by Baseballcrazy62 View Post
Looking for your feedback/thoughts on this premium issue from the 60's. How were these cards acquired ? Could you buy the complete set or did you have to build it one card at a time? There are 4 short prints listed and are they legitimately short printed? How do these stack up against other premium issues from the 50's/60's. Maybe it's just me but I find myself getting more interested in non mainstream issues lately. Your thoughts!!
Tressler Comet was a gas station chain in the Cincinnati area. My understanding is that these cards were given away for free to customers. As a promotion I would guess they were given away one by one to encourage patrons to come back but it is certainly possible that particular gas stations has lots of them laying around and gave multiples (or even sets?) to patrons at some point.

I don't know how legit the SPs are. In general these cards are pretty easy to find and cheap. They are one of the easiest regional sets to put together from the 60s in my opinion.

I love the non mainstream issues too!

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