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Old 09-02-2017, 04:05 PM
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horzverti horzverti is offline
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Originally Posted by JollyElm View Post
No discussion is required. It is beyond self evident that that fellow is NOT Babe Ruth. I mean, come on!!
Often Darren gets too excited and goes well over the top what could be a normal response. So here is a translation:

"No discussion required" = why is OP wasting my time?

"beyond self evident" = why is OP wasting my time?

"I mean, come on" = why is the OP wasting my time?

Darren we're going to need to see some smiley face emojis in the future to help us determine if you are actually being funny or if you are just being yourself.

Back to the my opinion, most likely not Ruth.
Cur! H0++an
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