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Old 09-08-2017, 05:20 PM
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thetahat thetahat is offline
The Uber Anal Retentive Freak
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: not far from Mt. Vernon, PA
Posts: 1,549

Mitchell and Ness actually started my pennant addiction. Around 1996 or so the company used to run a 50% off sale in their old Philly on Super Bowl weekend. They did it for a few years. Anyway that's where and when I bought about a dozen of their early repros. I thought they looked cool and I still had my "original" ones from going to Phillies games in the 70s and 80s as a kid. At the store they had some vintage pennants displayed on the walls, including a Phillies "Blue Jay" pennant, and I thought they looked better. Eventually, I came to want only the real ones, and then I discovered eBay.
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