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Old 09-29-2017, 10:32 PM
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Originally Posted by packs View Post
The NFL can stop paying them any time it likes. It knows the consequences of that decision. These players hold immense power in their profession and I am of the opinion that it's great to see how they choose to wield that power.
Actually they hold no power. The NFL has a rule against what they are doing. The players have a labor agreement that they signed. The league has every right to discipline the players, they are just too weak to do it. The NBA came out today and said that it will punish players who protest during the national anthem.I guess you think the NBA will go out of business.

I saw a poll today. 62% plan to watch less football. 36% plan to buy less merchandise. 32% plan to not attend a game they previously planned on attending. I will not watch the NFL until they change their policy. I had planned on going to a 2nd game this year, no longer. I have no problem with players protesting, just not the anthem. What they are doing is disrespecting those who have served and died for this country. Claiming they are protesting something else doesn't change that fact.

Last edited by rats60; 09-29-2017 at 10:34 PM.