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Old 10-01-2017, 08:13 PM
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Cliff Bowman Cliff Bowman is offline
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Originally Posted by Dewey View Post
I believe the data that is true, even if it doesn't confirm my bias. At least I try too. It's a painful thing, admittedly, to change a mind. Read the article. I'm assuming you didn't. If I'm wrong, my apologies.
Here is the list of people that supplied the data for your report: the New York Times, a University of California-Davis professor, the Black Lives Matter affiliated group Mapping Police Violence, the Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch led Department Of Justice, the Washington Post, retired federal and state judges tasked by the San Francisco district attorney's office, the ACLU, a Harvard professor, a New York Federal District judge, a team of professors from UCLA, Portland State University, and Boston University, a Stanford University study, a Washington State University professor, University of Chicago researchers. You honestly believe that every single one of these people were completely unbiased and didn't already have a conclusion decided before they even started?

Last edited by Cliff Bowman; 10-01-2017 at 08:15 PM. Reason: Grammar