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Old 11-17-2017, 09:28 PM
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campyfan39 campyfan39 is offline
Ch.ris Pa.rtin
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 1,160

Kindred spirit here
I collect for the fun and the memories, only spending what I can afford without effecting the family. When I am gone the boys can do what they wish. I could care less what my sets are worth versus what they cost me to put them together. Nothing like the excitement of getting the last few cards for a set even if they are not big names.

Originally Posted by darkhorse9 View Post
I agree 100%. I collect for enjoyment, not investment.

When I die the enjoyment dies with me. I've already instructed my son that when I'm gone the cards are all his and he is to immediately sell them for whatever he can (it's all 100% profit for him) and spend it on something memorable and enjoyable for him.

That way three people get something out of the collection (myself, my son, the person he sells them to). Hard to see a downside there.

If your hobby is about how much money you can make from it, that's not a hobby.
[FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]CampyFan39
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