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Old 01-04-2018, 07:27 AM
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docpatlv docpatlv is offline
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Day 5

This is one of the other Plak panels that Howard was referring to above. There is one other panel combination that I don't have and that is the Kaline-Clemente-Yastrzemski. One interesting thing is how they changed Roberto's name on each of the base plates. The panel I posted on Day 4 has Roberto Clemente, this next one has his name as Robert Clemente, and the last has his name as R. Clemente.

I was able to pick up this panel on eBay about a year after I purchased the first one. You can tell that there were some modifications made between the panels (notably in the shoulder area). I'm assuming that the Mile High find consisted of prototypes. The Plaks that made it out to the public also seem to be on thicker sprues.

1968 Topps Plaks Panel: Wynn-Clemente-Santo

Last edited by docpatlv; 01-04-2018 at 07:32 AM.
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