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Old 01-27-2018, 06:40 PM
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Greg C
Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 575
Default comparing the companies

After submitting thousands of cards between the 3 companies, the most important conclusion I have come to is that there is never 1 way to call it. Every card is graded by a human being using his/her best judgement. There are many cards I perpetually crack and resubmit, receiving a higher or lower grade each time. Again, cards are graded by humans, not robots.

Some real data to marinate in: My SGC to PSA same-grade-minimum crossover rate is exactly 30%. That is only for cards that I truly think have a chance. I don't waste time and money just sending them anything for a review.

I have also cracked many cards out that were originally denied a crossover when reviewed in the holder, only to receive a higher grade on a raw submission.

IN SUMMARY, just send in your cards by whichever manner you please and hope for the best. Grading is an accurate, but not perfect science.
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