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Old 02-21-2018, 10:09 AM
bgar3 bgar3 is offline
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Default Base Ball as a Cabinet position

Hope somebody finds this as interesting as I did.
I am going through a year’s worth of the Spirit of the Times from 1869, primarily to see what they had to say about the Red Stockings (not much at first, but admiration and increased coverage during and after the New York part of the tour). There is a reference in the March 13, issue to an unnamed “great American base ball reporter” who met with Congress and the President pushing for a Bureau of Base Ball to be added to the cabinet with the reporter to hold the position. (See photo)
I don’t recall ever hearing about this before. I assume the reporter was Henry Chadwick, but I am not positive. If anyone has any info, please let me know. Schiff’s biography refers to Chadwick’s relationship to President Johnson, but in connection to the tour of the Nationals earlier.
Also, if anyone wants to know what they said about a particular game, if anything, just let me know.

Last edited by Leon; 02-21-2018 at 12:44 PM. Reason: larger scan
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