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Old 03-02-2018, 11:26 AM
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Raymond 'Robbie' Culpepper
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Originally Posted by bnorth View Post
I am not sure it has ever worked properly.

My post was meant to be a joke much like the HOF without Clemens and Bonds being in it.

I should have realized that with your emogies.

Too bad we'll never know exactly what portion of Bonds' or Clemens' totals were legit and what portion wasn't.

Being elected to the Hall is not a birth-rite and to have those two sharing the same honored space as Walter, Jackie, Willie and Hank (and I realize there are a lot of questionable characters already in) would irk me to no end.

Maybe their penalty should be to elected posthumously...if they would do it to Mr. Santo, then why not to them.

That's end of sermon. Amen...oh, wait...that's not pc enough...Awomen, too.

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