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Old 03-27-2018, 02:27 PM
tschock tschock is offline
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Originally Posted by barrysloate View Post
Taylor- if you want schools not to be gun free zones, who do you see as having the guns? The teachers? The students? I just don't know how that could possibly work.
Anyone who can legally possess a firearm should be allowed, but not required. The real key is you don't advertise somewhere as a gun free zone.

There was a psych study done a while back that I can't remember who/when/where or find it now. Maybe not pre-internet but a WHILE ago and I read it non-electronically somewhere. Some interesting results, not just on guns. They had people answer a few sets of questions anonymously. It had to do how they want others to see them and what they might want or not want strangers to know about them. Some 'hot button' topics (abortion, guns, sex, religion) mixed in with normal stuff (sports, movies, etc).

The premise was whether they would want a sign posted on their lawn for each item they claimed (if I remember correctly). In one (of a number) of sets of questions the sign had to be true. In another set (of a number) it could be a lie. One of the fascinating things I remember is how many people claimed they owned or used guns and did (the true signs), however even more interesting were those who lied about owning or using a gun but did not. Very few lied the other way (claiming they did not own/use a gun but really did). Of course, sex was another interesting one. LOL

I think it makes for a good thought experiment today, if you want to be honest with yourself. If you had publicly claim you did or did not own or use a gun, and provide your address on the internet with that statement, what would you do?
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