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Old 04-28-2018, 07:00 PM
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Bill Tozer
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 83
Default Really Need Help with PCL Players Reunion Photo


Thank you so much for your kindness and taking time to reply...

The Buffalo photo seemed to be the only one out there that I could find so far showing team players together and your suggestion not to try and compare any of those players with Buffalo to the reunion photo I have is a wise one.

I know I can, and have already searched down single images of PCL Players from PCL cards and the like to try and compare to the reunion photos, but was hoping my best bet was that maybe someone might have been connected to one of the players in the reunion photo.

Trying to compare PCL player images when they were in their early years to photos of when they were older is certainly a challenge, - at least for me...I'm in my 70's now and I have trouble imagining it is the same person when I compare photos of myself now to when I was in my 20's! Ha!

Thanks for the facts and insight as I continue with my search for facts for my distant relative, William Louis Tozer.

Bill Tozer
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