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Old 05-29-2018, 10:04 PM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is online now
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Default Some people take Ebay way too seriously!

Just got this wonderful message through Ebay.

Why was my bid for declined 20 seconds before close of bidding?
My bid was for $205.50 Winning bid was for $200.50.
You are a piece of shit!!!!,

Just sends warm tingly feelings up my spine. Did a little research on the sender. Yes, he was on my blocked bidder list.

Turns out this was the a-hole who left me 13 neutral feedbacks years ago for charging him $25 to ship him a group of 149 Ring Magazines (for anybody who's ever handled these, that's about 60-70 lbs worth of mags.)

Don't think I'll be removing him from the list.

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