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Old 11-29-2018, 06:20 AM
trobba trobba is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 740
Default Sad stuff indeed

Just getting caught up with all this and its not my area of collecting but it is extremely maddening and troubling on two fronts...

1) The Forger(s) ~ clearly someone has made a lot of money on creating these.I'm actually quite surprised in our relatively small world they have yet to be unmasked.

2) The Authenticators ~ if they can't tell an autograph was done within the last year or two for someone who passed away decades ago that is quite troubling. I thought in addition to studying the flow, style etc of the signature, they were able to tell some age of the writing (ie. like a trimmed card where there is distinctive tells of different aged paper), guess I was wrong.
This will surely throw this side of the business back for years, to miss this many examples in such a relatively short period of time truly shows they really have no clue about what is real and what is fake. Can't think of too many other business where you can be completely wrong that many times and wouldn't affect your long term success (except maybe meteorology).

Very sad times...
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