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Old 02-03-2019, 09:51 AM
MikeGarcia MikeGarcia is offline
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Default Back In The Day....

Originally Posted by OlderTheBetter View Post
I won't make any guesses here but you've hit on one of the many reasons that I dislike PSA in particular and TPG generally.

A card's attributes are observed by the grader. If the card has centering issues, then it is what it is. That should not be changeable per the PSA slab.

If a card is indeed a 9OC then why should it be able to get a straight 7 instead?

A card should grade what it is and allowing a customer to reomove the centering flaw based on preference makes PSA lose credibility in my eyes.

It obviously makes them more money if people will submit an off-center card and will not have to get the dreaded OC qualifier. But it would be better if they dropped the OC qualifier completely than to let a customer "choose" and I wish they'd completely eliminate OC qualifiers.

..way back in the early days of TPG I always sent my OC/MC stuff to SGC ; it seemed they didn't punish centering but would let the eye of the beholder observe or ignore that aspect. Plus the '53 Bowman Color looked quite nice in their old original holders..

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