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Old 02-20-2019, 10:18 PM
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Fballguy Fballguy is offline
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Originally Posted by perezfan View Post
Seller was a nice guy, and accepted the $50. Should be a fun experiment, and I'll post the "before and after" results once I have it in-hand.

There's some blue stuff on the white felt that scares me a bit.
Congrats Mark! Glad you got it. Will be a fun experiment. A few tips...

I'd attack this one from the back. Hang the pennant vertically, face down so you're spraying the back of the pennant. I lean the bottom of a shallow, plastic storage bin against the wall and tape the pennant inside with painters tape so it's hanging down inside the bin. That way any excess water/bleach runs off. Then I'd mist the back of the pennant using a spray bottle. Don't saturate. Do a little at a time until it starts to soak through...checking the results periodically. I'd give it a good misting then let it sit for 5 minute before turning it around and checking the results. It will get whiter over time. It's not always instantaneous. Once you get a feel for the color fastness of the red paint, you can increase as needed. Don't be in a hurry. Be patient.

If the blue is stubborn, I'd probably hit that directly from the front. You can use an old, rigid pennant holder (I'm sure you have one laying around ) to create a barrier between the stained area of the pennant and the graphics. Then you can spray liberally without worrying about hitting the paint directly. Imagine a clear, plastic wall between where you are spraying and the graphics.

In case of emergency...

I'd also have a second spray bottle with straight water. If you notice the red is running, the race is on. You have to throw caution to the wind at this point and hit the running area with water...saturate the bleeding area (use a stream so you can focus on your target area more precisely) to get that excess red paint to run completely off the pennant. It will run off without staining...and if you're using just water, the bleeding should stop. Just keep hitting with water until you see no more bleeding and all of the red run off has been washed away.

The disclaimer...

See Rob's post above. There's always the chance you may be screwed.

Good luck!
R0b G@@13t

Last edited by Fballguy; 02-20-2019 at 10:21 PM.
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