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Old 05-28-2019, 10:08 PM
BobbyVCP BobbyVCP is offline
Bobby Binder
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Keaau Hawaii
Posts: 448

Originally Posted by thenextlevel View Post
These were such pathetic and obvious attempts to stick up for PWCC. No one’s giving PSA a pass. Your boy Brent could be in deep doo-doo, regardless of PSA.
Unlike forum boards were ads are basically 100% of their revenue. VCP main income comes from our membership not from advertisers. Advertising makes up less than 7% of our revenue. Our main interest has always been members first and only. I have from day one since starting VCP tried my best to be as neutral as humanly possible. I sold all of my collection so that there would be no reason for me to have any thing to gain by doing what we do. I have been contacted many times trying to get me to remove certain sales data from the website for people that I flat out denied. I have run VCP with integrity and honesty from the start. I am not a person to beat around the bush and I am not a person that is a bull shitter or liar. I pretty much say what is on my mind and straight to the point. This might hit a nerve with some people but that is just who I am. I don't like to be ripped off and I don't like seeing people in this hobby getting ripped off as well.
Bobby Binder
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