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Old 06-12-2019, 10:18 PM
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Jobu Jobu is offline
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: WI
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I picked up a few photos from Dennis (photomoto) and he tossed the following snapshot into the deal for free:

Army Players - Lancellotti a.jpg

Army Players - Lancellotti b.jpg

I saw the writing on the back and decided to go hunting. Lancelotti, Curacao, and the army were where I found some traction, as I found some info in an army database and that led me to this online memorial:

A bit of time going through Facebook, Google, and online White Pages in the area led me to the Facebook profiles of who I believed to be Daniel's son and grandson. The former never replied, but after a few messages the latter did. It turns out that he showed the photo to his grandmother, Daniel's wife, and she was thrilled to see this never-before-seen photo of her late husband. I immediately dropped the photo in the mail - it is now back where it belongs.

Last edited by Jobu; 06-13-2019 at 08:01 AM.
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