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Old 06-30-2019, 09:42 AM
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Originally Posted by jerrys View Post
Professional marksman are hired to thin the population of herds are absolutely necessary. I believe, most times the animals are slaughtered and used in State intuitions. Again, this is not done as SPORT - for the pleasure of killing, for trophies, taxidermy, or other personal rewards.
The purpose, at a high level, is to conduct a hunt for a beneficial purpose.

But a lot of the hunters ARE out there purely for sport. Some will cut it open, roll up their sleeves and put their hands and arms into the bloody, dead animal, pull out the entrails, heart, kidneys, whatever else they don't want, and drag the rest of the carcass back to their truck and home to process. That, I think, is certainly justifiable but there is no way I could imagine doing it.

But many deer hunters do just kill for sport, cut the heads off to mount on their walls as a trophy so they can point at it and say, "I killed that," with pride in their voice.

So how is that different from a controlled hunt at an African preserve? At a high level a decision is made that they have a few more giraffe, or elephants, than optimal, so they sell some hunters a license to shoot one, which makes thousands of dollars for the preserve to care for the other animals?

I doubt those hunters are doing so for elephant meat. Look, I could never do it, and I think it doubtful that I'd have much in common with someone who would do that, but if a higher goal is achieved, as with the deer hunting example, then overall it isn't always a bad thing. Animals do reproduce...

BTW I do agree with Leon - Bull "fighting" is torture, as is the "sport" of dog fighting.
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