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Old 07-09-2019, 01:22 PM
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Jay Cee
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Originally Posted by Leon View Post
Criminal Peter Nash pleaded the 5th Amendment over 100 times in court, I was told by a reliable source, when asked where he got fake memorabilia he consigned. Seems the trail stopped at him, the bad actor. This was years ago. The premise is allegedly he took a good piece, put another good piece with it, and made it into something it wasn't. Kind of like 1+1 = 3. So yes, there is very high level fraud in memorabilia just as there is in cards. Probably not a ton different. Fraud and deceit are common factors. There is almost always a leap of faith and it just depends on how big of a leap someone wants to take. I am not a person who leaps very much.
Have you seen this article on the Criminal Peter Nash "Nice"
Love Ty Cobb rare items and baseball currency from the 19th Century.

Last edited by BeanTown; 07-09-2019 at 01:22 PM.
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