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Old 07-11-2019, 06:20 PM
Promethius88 Promethius88 is offline
Tim Hadley
Tim Ha.dley
Join Date: May 2018
Location: Springfield, IL
Posts: 527

Originally Posted by DJCollector1 View Post
I snipped your post, to essentially say what this "Purple Label" is all about.

My thinking that it could be even more useful if it were to help scan for alterations/card doctoring.......... well thats just me and wishful thinking....
I believe this would be a great way to combine two semi "grading/card altering detection" directions.
Regardless, I think I can see where this is going, and I personally don't mind the "Purple Label".
Do I as an "informed collector" necessarily need this? No, we all know that here.
But let's not forget we are the minority on these boards.

"Perezfan" said "I agree that a service of identifying forgeries would have merit. But the authenticators would have to really know their stuff. Currently there is NO ENTITY in the entire hobby who is looking out for the customer. Who is in our corner when it comes to identifying and eliminating fraud in the hobby?
The answer is no one. We are left to do it ourselves."

"Perezfan" is correct. We are essentially left to police what we purchase ourselves. Sure, its always been that way, but all this widespread "doctoring" is a much bigger issue than we thought.
Any and all "card doctoring detection methods", would probably be difficult, and could only offer an "opinion of protection". (Say any TPG could only reasonably say with 95% certainty that something is "unaltered".....we all know we can never eliminate it all. That 95% might mean something to many of us)

I think this "Purple Label" COULD be a positive thing, and the hobby probably could use that right now.
I'm sure many here won't agree, but thats why we are all here posting.

Now, to those few that poked a bit of fun at lowpopper.........
I get it. But I think the hobby could use a breath of fresh air right now, and at least at first glance, he is willing to put himself out there, show himself, and is willing to stand behind his product that he believes in.
Whether you personally agree with it or not, we could probably use a bit more of that right now in my eyes.
Ok, so does it look for alterations or no?
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