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Old 07-29-2019, 10:45 PM
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Originally Posted by brian1961 View Post
I genuinely wish the National Committe would sit down with the autograph guests beforehand for a few hours, and have a junior high hand-writing contest winner with them to provide the greats with a BADLY-NEEDED primer on how to write cursive, so their expensive autographs won't look like sh-t!

--- Brian Powell
I had a similar conversation with a banker many years ago, back in the day when baseball cards were paid for by checks through the mail. I was endorsing some checks in front of him, and he complained it was just a scribble.

I explained that's what my signature looks like. He asked me if I could write my name more legibly, and I said, "Sure, but do you want my signature to be nice, neat, readable, and unlike any signature I have ever produced thus far in my life, or do you want me to continue to sign my normal, illegible way, which will match the signature cards that are on file here in your bank?"
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