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Old 07-31-2019, 09:05 AM
wondo wondo is offline
John Wondowski
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,333

Originally Posted by Tennis13 View Post
Yes, it will blow over. As embarrassed as i am to admit this, it took me 40 years to realize people want to feel good and want to be sold the story and enjoy the story. They don’t want the truth. I have many theories why, but basically I believe the story and the myth allows them to escape and for whatever reason, if they are being scammed they would just rather not know.

I learned this in a class I took on sustainable businesses and farm to table restaurants which essentially dont exist. I sat there and listened to a restaurant owner spout off myth after myth and at the end a classmate says “I ate at your place and its the greatest fish I have ever had.” I almost interjected, but I am too tired to educate anymore. You think the baseball card industry is a fraud, the fish industry is a joke:

But, people dont want to hear it. They want the story and to feel good about the experience. I have no idea why.....and it took 40 years for me to learn to just shut up and not educate, and l as much as I can, restrain myself.

Kinda like when my wife tells me I'm good looking.
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