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Old 09-20-2019, 03:05 PM
Huck Huck is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 770

Wow. Surprised but not shocked. It is rather audacious for the AH spelling it out on the website. I guess that is the new transparency.

PSA touts 76 million collectibles certified! How much time is spent grading any given card? One would think PSA would want to maintain the highest standards and integrity. I don't swim at that deep end ($$$$$) of the card pool, but I do buy graded cards. I don't think TPGs are going away. When dropping major coin on a card, I would be willing to bet that the majority on this site are buying slabbed cards.

It puzzles me as to why a company would continue to test the trust of their customer base. Perhaps the card market is in a bubble, because during a bubble, people, companies, tend to lose their collective minds.

I was at show once, looking to buy a 1954 Red Heart PSA 7 Mantle. A major dealer had 3-4 of them in one of their 20-30 cases. All cards had different prices. I asked why one 7 was grossly higher priced than the other 7's.
Because, "if the card was regraded it would comeback a 7.5." Oh, really? Then walk your arse over to the psa booth and have the card regraded. Did not purchase from the major dealer and will not purchase from that dealer. Now I guess the dealer can take the card to Vegas and get the bump.
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