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Old 10-27-2019, 09:23 PM
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Ben North
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: South Dakota
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Originally Posted by rocuan View Post
Reqalizing you all are talking about baseball. I have been collector since i first started collecting 39 Play Balls ( gives my age awy.). But There was something else that has been on my mind all these years. Whilea young boy Iwould occaisionally see a card called Horrors Of War and G-Men. The art work fascinated me as a young boy. As I got older and more involved in baseball cards. I never forgot about those 2 sets. I would see a few at shows over the years but the condition was usually bad and expensive. I always wanted to have both of those sets but realized that to get a decent set the price would be way out of my range. Then one time at a local show some guy had a reprint set of the Horrors OF War set. I walked around a bit and thought " You'll never get that set, what are you waiting for". Went back and bought it, and have been pleased with it ever since. If I could ever find a reprintset of the G-men & Heroes Of The Law. even at my age. J'll do the same. Maybe the moral of this story is, if the set you like and want is too expensive and time consuming, and a reprint set is available ?????????
Great point, I have several reprint sets and love them.
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