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Old 12-24-2019, 04:53 PM
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Ben North
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: South Dakota
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Originally Posted by Promethius88 View Post
This may come across as negative, but I don't mean it that way. Just actually curious. I notice on the BST boards that people typically ask for more than typical Ebay prices on cards they are selling. Sure, I get it if a card has some superior characteristics that warrant a higher price, but I see a lot of average stuff with asking prices higher here. Of course the slabbed stuff is easier to figure than raw in searching for comps. I'm thinking if you are looking to avoid the Bay fees, then why not lower your price here and save you both some money. With the Ebay bucks bonuses, it makes it even more confusing to me. Don't get me wrong, I may have listed something a little high from time to time, but for the most part, I try to list stuff where they buyer is going to get a better deal and I don't have to feed the beast. Anyhow...just a random thought as I am working half the day!! Happy holidays to all!
Like Dean's it seems to be working for the 2 that do i the most.
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