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Old 12-27-2019, 07:47 PM
sayheykid54 sayheykid54 is offline
James C
Dennis Choraz.yczewski
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 110

Disagree with Cobb being the most hated of all time. Much of the information from his playing days and events surrounding his life were later proven to be false. Much of the historical "Misinformation" was cleared up in the book "A Terrible Beauty"

"In legend I am a sadistic, slashing, swashbuckling despot who waged war in the guise of sport." Ty Cobb, who wrote that just before his death in 1961, was possibly the only one not to believe the legend. For everyone else, this was a case of perception and reality meeting.

I personally believe Ty Cobb is the most interesting and unique player in the history of baseball.
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