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Old 01-03-2020, 08:13 AM
topcat61 topcat61 is offline
Ryan McCla.nahan
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 247

Originally Posted by perezfan View Post
I know 3 people that have received subpoenas from the FBI, in regard to the scandal.

While the silence and waiting is rather frustrating, I'm actually glad that they're taking a long time to build their case. The longer, the better, as far as I'm concerned. No stone unturned, as the saying goes. The list of revealed cards, card doctors, shady dealers and inept/complicit TPG personnel is quickly accelerating. So they should really be in no hurry to wrap things up.

That said... it is frustrating to see some of these people continuing with business as usual during the investigation.
I agree, it is frustrating to wait, but I'd rather see them prepare an airtight case than have certain culpable parties skate.

I think what bothers me the most through this poll is that so many collectors, dealers, etc, either don't know what's going on, or don't care because they believe it either hasnt or wont affect them personally. I bet that it will or has in some form or another. With that said, Bill Mastro and Doug Allen going away wasn't enough of a big deal to get this hobby to shape what's it going to take? A complete collapse? I'd think the T206 autograph forgery scandal and this scandal would wake people up but apparently not?
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