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Old 01-26-2020, 10:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Fred View Post
Sad, it looks like one of his daughters was also lost in the accident. I understand using a helicopter as a mode of transportation if you can afford it, but if what the news is saying about the destination (going from Calabasas to Thousand Oaks - about 15 miles by road), then I just don't get it. Why take a chopper if it's only going to save a very little bit of time. I get it if it was about 50 miles and you're Kobe Bryant (and you can afford it), but about 15 miles by road - why take the risk? Totally sad.
He lives in Newport Beach. It is about 90 miles to his Sports Academy. The helicopter crashed in Calabasas. He also has issues with riding in a car for long periods of time and has taken a helicopter to games for much of his career.
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