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Old 03-18-2020, 11:06 AM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,332

I am very sorry for your deep loss of a lifetime friend. This must be extremely hard. Thank you for creating this tribute to your buddy, Allen. When he finally knew what he wanted, Allen seemed to attack the matter powerfully and with a ferocious intensity, be it a degree, a meritorious position as a physical education instructor, an Olympic pursuit, a ravenous collector of a gorgeous set of trading cards, and finally marrying to provide the most for his wife. Quite a remarkable man. I extend to you over the net a strong brotherly hug. I am so sorry, man. --- Brian Powell

PS---While Leon discourages any discussion on religion, when I am deeply troubled, I go to prayer and read the Bible. My choices, of course, but then we weren't designed "to hang in there" all alone.
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