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Old 03-19-2020, 08:12 AM
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Originally Posted by cardsagain74 View Post
I hadn't really bought anything but '52 T since I started going after the set, but that's mostly because I'd already filled most of my general wish list I expected to get anytime soon (rather than ironclad willpower or focus!)

Did pick up something different tonight though....finally got the Mantle. '68 Mantle that is. Always liked the look of the '65 and '68 Micks, so those were a backburner thing for when I happened to bump into something worthwhile. Tonight that happened with a Greg Morris nice low grade '68. One of those bids that you never expected to hold up, and consider it a nice surprise when "pay now" is your next fee-bay bell message

He had a couple more disastrous '68 Mantles up too. For GM stuff, mine would have usually gone for about 70-75 bucks and those beaters for 50-55 each. But tonight, mine went for 52 and the beaters 33 and 46.
I was offered a Connor McDavid foil card last night, that I had been watching for a while, for half price so I jumped on it.
When I paid, I seen the CDN dollar, through PayPal, was at .67 cents!
Needless to say, my purchases from U.S. sellers is going to stop/cease for a while until this covid situation passes and the stock market/CDN dollar improves.
I was purchasing quite a few hockey cards from CDN sellers lately and I think that is what I will continue to do but I am also going to slow down with those as well until things recover.
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