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Old 04-24-2020, 05:22 PM
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Runscott Runscott is offline
Belltown Vintage
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Originally Posted by todeen View Post
My old hippy friend is a conspiracy theorist. He is anti big government, anti big business, anti establishment, and believes individuals are idiots (for the most part). But he always seems to cite relevant data whether it's about green energy, vaccines, or climate change. He believes climate change is overrated, its an idea overrun by the establishment to sell green energy. He has nothing nice to say about Greta Thunberg - he thinks she is a complete tool of the establishment.

He believes in the science behind a lot of good ideas, but then points to the big money that bankrolls most research.
I have two friends like yours. One of them is really just a nut-case with a wealth of data, but the other cites more relevant data, and is organized and coherent enough that it's hard to argue with him. Plus, he was my golfing buddy before I realized he was into this stuff, so I had him pegged for down-to-earth, not from-outer-space. These conspiracy theorists always seem to have minds like steel traps!

You should hear his theories about COVID-19. After listening to the details on why we had WWII and of course, Kennedy, I was not surprised that he had a full arsenal of information to back his COVID-19 thoughts. 5G in Wuhan, Bill Gates, etc .
$co++ Forre$+
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