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Old 05-14-2020, 03:20 PM
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David M.
Join Date: May 2009
Location: S. California
Posts: 2,880

Well I guess that's the $64 question we've been trying to answer since 2009.

Here's a quick summary of what I think we've figured out so far:

If the card you are examining has square corners it's NOT a Bond Bread card. Is it vintage? Maybe.

If the card has round corners is it definitely a Bond Bread card? No. The Screen Star Subjects (movie star) cards came in those thin boxes and have rounded corners. Do the Sports Star Series cards have round corners? We aren't sure, but the latest cards auctioned off suggest they might since this mystery set had what appeared to be the Bond Bread cards, but also the four Sport Star Series boxes. However, no one has been able to say for sure.

Where do the cards from the Festberg find fit into all of this? No one knows exactly, but they are not Bond Bread cards.

Did I miss anything?
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