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Old 05-15-2020, 03:13 PM
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Scott Gaynor
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Cape Cod
Posts: 231

When it comes to collectibles, If you are an investor, stay in the top 10% of whatever you want to invest in. Buy the best 10% of cards, coins, comic books, teacups, whatever. The best 10% pretty much always goes up in value over time. Also, buy physically small items that are easy to store and move around. As the cost of shipping goes up, the value of big items tends to go down.

If you are a collector, buy the other 90%. It does not really go up much or go down much, but will give you collecting enjoyment. When you go to sell, you won't make much, but you won't loose much either.
Monthly consignment auctions of Sports Memorabilia, Antiques and Collectibles.
Ebay ID: Estate-Finders

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