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Old 05-29-2020, 02:46 PM
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Originally Posted by JustinD View Post
I would say the investors killed this one for a while. In a year these will be .99 cards. Supply and demand will never hold even the cost after the clueless stop buying. I will buy no more until the production drops at least to 7-10k. The smart money if you think they are neat, is wait for the auctions after these are actually delivered and get them for a fiver.

I bought the Ryan and Ripken in the last week and have serious remorse.
I bought the Ted Williams because I liked the card, knowing it was going to have a high print run. 20.00 is the cost of lunch at a fast food restaurant. I don’t care about the value, but I would be shocked if you could buy them for less than
10 in the next year. I will continue to buy what I like at 20. If they become worth more than they are worth to me, I will sell. Otherwise they are part of my collection.
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