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Old 06-02-2020, 08:14 AM
1952boyntoncollector 1952boyntoncollector is offline liebe.rman
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Originally Posted by Shoeless Moe View Post
I rarely watch CNN but watched Anderson Cooper, Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon, and not one of the 3 tonight said protesters should go home at the curfew.

Very interesting how they are fine with the protesters breaking the law.

If the protesters obeyed the law and went home then the police could focus on the looters and arsonists,etc.

So bottom line is these protesters are just as much the problem, and CNN being silent, are as some would say are complicit.

You want to protest during the day fine, but after curfew sorry that's breaking the law. Just a matter of time before they get hurt and then they'll be crying, and CNN will say hey they are just peaceful protesters. No they are not.

Back on Trumps side, once again he doesn't put it eloquently to say the least, but bring in the army.......or this is just going to continue night after night.

And CNN thanks for fueling the fire. Be proud of yourselves.

i would think if i am the organizer of a protest and i know that many looters and rioters are using my cause to wreck my community i would take countermeasures like going home by curfew. Not that hard to do and message is known. The protesters are being used and they are complicit in it for some reason.

I remember in the old days there would be protests after an officer is found not guilty or charges dropped. Not after an arrest. Not saying right or wrong . protests are always allowed.

I also wish these networks would show the faces of these shop owners and workers that lost their jobs due to the riots. communities should ban together not just to protest but to protect their community.
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