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Old 06-29-2020, 01:52 PM
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John Hanssen
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Nebraska
Posts: 1,085

I'm a fan - period - I'll take baseball over any other sport - I grew up in football country and stuck with that norm until I grew up and learned to think and follow my own path in life. At times baseball is my distraction from the social whatever is going on in the news on any given day, having a game on TV is the best escape from what the other Chanel's have to offer. I love the fact that it's history in so entwined with this country's history that you can explore and read about the events of of country and find its effects on the game. The GAME has changed in many aspect to reflect the cultural change of our nation, but on the other hand has not. Baseball policy has been great and saddling, has shown fault and achievement it's changed labor laws and cultural norm. It's the best of the USA and at times the worst of greed and sandals - I enjoy baseball on professional and little league level, it,s a piece of my life that I welcome with open arms. Any baseball is good even so much as a 50 something year old guy still collects baseball cards for the love of the game. If baseball is on a down hill slide than I'm all in and will stay on the bandwagon until the end. It's my game and proud to say so!!!
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