Thread: Crazy uncles
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Old 07-09-2020, 02:38 PM
ThomasL ThomasL is offline
Tho.mas L Sau.nders
Join Date: Apr 2018
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Originally Posted by CJDave View Post
I'm glad you asked. And for the record, everything here is factual, no opinions and assumptions are being made.

Let me preface this by apologizing for being so long winded in my summary.

I put items in Crazy Uncle's first auction a number of months ago. Gave Aaron anywhere from $500K - $750K worth of items. Each item was detailed with a description and the reserve price I wish to be placed. Auction results didn't go so well but you never know. Many of the items failed to meet the reserve and thus did not sell. Some of the items unfortunately slipped through the cracks and sold even though there was a reserve on it. Aaron claims that was a computer glitch, apologized and said he would make it up to me on the next auction. That glitch cost me well over $10K which Aaron claims I said was only $3K or so. The figure was in fact $10K. And on a side note, I just finally got fully paid about two weeks ago from that auction that ended in March.

On to the next auction - I decided to give Aaron another chance. He still had quite a load left from the first auction, and I will estimate I gave him an additional $500K or so of sports memorabilia, historical memorabilia, coins, etc. He stopped by my office to pick the items up at which time I again gave him lists with descriptions of each item and my reserve price. He assured me there would be no more glitches and I would be fully protected. Generally the reserve does not show up until 24 hours prior to close of auction. Aaron was to call me the day before the auction close (Friday) to review the reserves and ensure none of my reserves were too high and if I would be willing to lower any. Come Friday Aaron contacted me that he would call me at the end of the afternoon to review the reserves. That call never occurred. On Saturday I checked the auction and saw there were no reserves showing. I called Aaron numerous times and no response. Finally he picked up and told me it was too voluminous to put reserves on 600 lots so we decided to not put them in. I am showing $250K in sales on items worth an estimated $750K. Everyone got the deal of a lifetime. Aaron now claims that he thought that list was the price I paid for the item......why I would I give him my prices??? His statement is BS as he knows those were my reserves, he knows he was to call me 24 hours in advance to review the reserves, he knows he had a glitch on the first auction and was told to be extra careful. This is just Aaron's feeble attempt to cover his ass......just come clean. You already admitted to me in writing that you blew this whole thing......why deny it now???

I emailed Aaron on 5 occasions instructing him not to release any item as he failed to honor my reserve price and protect my financial interest. I told him if he releases any item without my written authorization dated after the auction, he and his company will be held financially liable to compensate me for my FULL reserve price. He chose to send the items anyway against my objection.

Additionally, on the coins, there were complete sets (i.e. Indian Pennies, Franklin Halves, Commemoratives, etc.) that Aaron was given specific instructions to sell as complete sets and not split out. He chose to ignore my instructions and now claims he spoke to me about splitting the sets up.......this conversation never occurred as I would NEVER split out complete coin sets like that !!! Now individual coins were sold from sets leaving the complete sets 2/3 or whatever complete.....basically much less desirable.

Now here's the best...........while I am at work today I see on my home cameras that all the "unsold" items from the auction were dumped in front of my house.....about 30 feet from the street in plain view for anyone to see. I would estimate over $500K worth of collectibles were just put in front of my house, some in boxes, many just out in the open and easily distinguishable as to what the item was. While I cancelled all my meetings today and dashed home for an hour drive as fast as possible so that I could get these items inside and not stolen, I called Aaron repeatedly until he picked up. I asked if he was kidding me (I might have added one or two words in that sentence) and his said you don't want to do business with me anymore so here's your sh*t back. I told him those items were stored and locked away......not to be placed in front of my home. His response.......not my problem anymore.

What I have detailed above is factual and in no means libel. If this were falsities I am spewing, why would Aaron email me: That said, we should handle this privately. In regard to your satisfaction as a customer, we blew it... I truly am sorry, I didn't want to have our relationship end after this auction and never on a bad note.

Or why would he email me: I would like to work this out in private and would appreciate if you did not post again on the board about this - we can find a path forward not in the public eye. You would think if he did nothing wrong, why keep it private???

Now Aaron threatens to sue me for slander (which as I mentioned for a person who claims to have a legal background should know that slander is oral and libel is written). It's not libel if it's true !!! And from his legal background, he claims that my repeated emails to not release any items that he failed to protect me on with my reserves will not hold up in court and he is personal friends with the District Attorney so any attempt I make to pursue this legally will fail miserably. I didn't know Aaron had that much power as to make the DA bend to his will.

There are many people of this forum that have done business with me and know I am a standup person and I don't screw people over. I welcome any comments and I can elaborate further if anyone has any questions.

Thank you everyone for listening to this novel I just wrote.

that's some serious dough