Thread: Crazy uncles
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Old 07-16-2020, 12:39 AM
sportscomicfantasy sportscomicfantasy is offline
Michae! Sh@cter
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Florida
Posts: 92

Dave, I am so sorry this happened to you. I hope it gets worked out to some satisfaction for you. I may be wrong but it seems to me that your in a position that you don't need the money, not that it is fair or right that you got your items undersold. But I most distraught over the totally unwarranted and horribly wrong unloading of your items on your front doorstep with no warning or anything!

You were the next person in line who seriously took up the mantle of preserving, keeping, and ready to pass on to the next caretaker of the items you have. I watch the show "American Pickers" and I love it. The people they meet are mostly people who love their items and many of them feel as if they are preserving history, teaching and some want to pass them on to the next caretaker of the items. I don't know you but you seem like that type of person from what I have read in my limited experience reading on here.

I also want to thank everyone here for letting the community know about what happened to them. I know now that I have to be very careful when thinking about bidding in their auction if I do. I have a few auctions I bid on where I have to lower my max bids for various reasons from previous experiences of mine with them. I just reframe from never bidding with them again because I don't want to lose out on an item I would really want at a good price I can actually afford.